SIXT CarRental Self-Service
Our car rental self-service app and website offer a seamless experience for customers to easily book, manage, and modify their rentals at their convenience.

Mobility, E-commerce
Lead Product Designer

Responsive Website
User Research, Competitive Research, Prototyping, stakeholder management.

The Statement

With an inbound traffic exceeding 500k customer touchpoints per month through calls and emails, the challenge lies in simplifying the customer effort required to resolve issues efficiently. The objective is to reduce costs and optimize the utilization of branch agents while simultaneously enhancing the overall customer experience at every touchpoint. Additionally, there's a need to identify and address customer churn movements to foster long-term retention and satisfaction.

Customer Service KPIs (2020-21)


Getting every day to get Fiber Related support

Average Handle Time

Of call answered with in the first minutes

Current CSAT score for Car Rental support

Average wait time for the customer to reach agent
€ 1.8

Cost per call on average.

Customer call for repeat issues and problems which can be fixed easy

utilisation, The total amount of time that call agents are working

The Why, The What, The How

The Why?

Our concern stems from the fact that after booking or reserving on our web/app, our presence becomes mostly offline.

We aim to eliminate the need for customers to contact us for simple adjustments to bookings, as failing to do so may impede meeting our Service Levels, particularly if our business scales up significantly.

The What?

Empower customers with 24/7 self-service options for post-booking, rental adjustments, and post-check-in/invoice concerns.

Implement a streamlined ticketing system to monitor self-service and customer service issues, gather feedback post-resolution, and continually improve by integrating additional features such as Chatbots, Live Chat, Omni Channel routing, NLP, and Digital Engagement.

The How?

Incorporate Rental Activity features into our Web/App, along with a streamlined ticketing system and a comprehensive knowledge base for FAQs and articles. Offer users self-service options to easily modify/update their bookings throughout their journey.

Our goals and KPIs have been set here. [Target]

Prior to commencing any initiative, it's essential to align with our business goals and corresponding Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

This ensures that our solutions have a significant impact on both our business performance and customer experiences. Ultimately, this approach contributes to enhancing customer retention and engagement.

Our Goals

Great Customer Experience

Offer swift, user-friendly, and efficient self-service options throughout the entirety of the fiber journey.
Saving Time & Efforts

The level of effort required for customers to resolve an issue should be low.

Ability to solve most of their changes/ issues/ problems via App/ Web
Proactive solutions with AI

Delivering customers with proactive and easily accessible solutions for their fiber broadband-related issues.
Gathering Feedback

Collecting feedback following the resolution of each complaint or issue so we can improve the servives
Empowering & Trusting

Enabling customers to have ownership and confidence in addressing their reported issues and challenges across various flows

Target KPIs ( Early 2021-22)


issues successfully resolved through self-service options without the need for human intervention.

The average time taken to resolve a customer query or issue through self-service channels.

Feedback score from customers who utilized self-service options, indicating their level of satisfaction with the experience.

The average wait time for customers to connect with an agent can be minimized.
€ .10

Average cost per call charged

Rate of increase in the number of customers using self-service options over time.
Scope of work and timeline

The project engaged both UX and UI designers, collaborating synergistically to develop an innovative solution. Our business and growth teams maintained constant communication, offering valuable insights throughout the process.

Design Process

As a digital solution, we've developed a dedicated app for JioFiber users, empowering them with self-service capabilities. With this app, users can independently troubleshoot and diagnose common issues such as slow speed, network connectivity, relocation, and bill payment problems.

Problem Research
Design strategy
Business Strategy
Competiter Analysis

User Reseach
Data Gathering
Empathy Mapping

User Flow
Information Architecture
Paper Sketch

Low-Fi Wireframe
Hi-Fi Wireframe
Visual Design

Our timeline

Our achievement in the journey depicted in numbers


As a digital solution, we've introduced a Help & Support portal for SIXT customers, enabling them to utilize self-service features. Through this portal, customers can independently modify, update, and cancel their bookings, as well as resolve billing issues.

Research [How We Started?]

While engaged in SIXT customer service, we embarked on understanding the mobility market and its consumers better. This involved conducting desk research to analyse market trends, requirements, and competitors.

We undertook user research across a variety of demographics in both the USA and Europe. Our objective was to gain insights into user behavior, requirements, and motivations by employing a blend of quantitative and qualitative interviews, focus groups, and demographic analysis conducted across both regions.


We randomly selected 50 existing customers, 50 call center Agents and administered straightforward surveys. These surveys were tailored to capture customer geographical behaviors & agent pain points. As an incentive for participating, we offered a 15% discount voucher for their next car rental booking upon completion of the survey. This approach yielded substantial feedback, enabling us to gain valuable insights into the needs and challenges customers encounter following their car rental bookings with us.

This feedback has proven instrumental in guiding our next steps and addressing customer needs effectively.
How we conducted surveys to gain insights into user behaviours.


We selected and distributed surveys to more than 50 existing customer & 50 call centre agents.

We selected users from various backgrounds for different reasons to gain insights.

We posed 10 questions to comprehend user needs and identify their pain points.

About SIXT and Future Stats

We also delved into SIXT's business behaviors, aiming to forecast its trajectory in the near future. This involved scrutinizing market research and publicly available data pertaining to the mobility sector. Our findings revealed that SIXT currently operates approximately 2000 stores worldwide, with projections indicating an increase to 2500 within the next 2-3 years.

Additionally, our analysis showed that thus far, around 52 million individuals have accessed car rental services globally. We anticipate a significant surge of 40-50% in this figure once COVID restrictions are lifted.

Based on our comprehensive research, we anticipate a market growth acceleration of 20-32% at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) over the coming years. To meet the escalating demand, SIXT would need to expand its fleet to accommodate over 30,000 vehicles. With a clear understanding of both current conditions and future prospects, we embarked on addressing customer challenges effectively.

Global Report and Analysis Data


Individuals have accessed car rental services globally & It will increases.

Projections indicating an increase to within the next 2-3 years.

The global Shared Mobility Market expected to reach by 2026
Survey Results

After analysing the survey results, I synthesised the collected data to obtain a more profound comprehension of user requirements and pain points. My aim was to explore user behaviour and needs regarding the post-booking experience, along with other objectives that were subsequently examined in detail.

Survey Findings

We discovered a significant number of individuals aged 18 to 35 who frequently book rentals.

Customers contact our call center solely to make modifications to their existing bookings.

Customers reach out to our call center to inquire about the features and models of cars they will receive.

They seek information about current offers and promotions available for their existing bookings.

They were interested in learning the vehicle specifications of the car model they had booked.

They wanted to know if any traffic tickets were issued in their name after completing the booking.

They were inquiring about the deposit amount and refund process after completing the booking.

They wanted to know when they could report damages or how to get support in case of an accident.

They wanted to know about any rental conditions, especially if they were unfamiliar with the country.
Target Focus Group and Market

People aging 20–40 years old are tech savvy and use google calendar for scheduling their life

Market segment and coverage which we would like to focus and grow

Insights & Findings from Users Interview & Persona

We held 10 in-person user interviews to gather insights into users' experiences. During these interviews, we questioned participants about the application's ease of use and their comprehension of its functionality.

Common subjects addressed during user interviews include: Background information (such as ethnographic data), General technology usage, Utilization of the SIXT product, User's primary objectives and motivations, User's areas of frustration.

User Persona

From the insights gathered during user interviews, I crafted user personas to grasp their shared objectives, challenges, and behaviors. This understanding enables me to devise effective solutions tailored to their needs.

User Interview Findings

After making my reservation, if I need to change my return location, it's challenging for me to do so online.

It took an excessive amount of time to obtain details regarding my booking and the necessary actions I needed to take. Additionally, crucial information was absent.

Currently, I am unable to update my booking, for example, to add a child seat and winter tires.

My car wasn't adequately inspected, and it broke down midway. Now, how should I contact SIXT customer service?

I'm caught in a lengthy line at the toll booth, so I'm considering purchasing a toll pass to bypass the queue and expedite my journey.

I'm having trouble identifying the specific car I'll be receiving, the exact model number is not displayed, after making the booking.

Features & Functionalities

Our features and functionality are meticulously designed with one goal in mind: to cater to the diverse needs of our users. We are dedicated to identifying and understanding the challenges they face, ensuring that our platform not only solves their problems but also anticipates their needs.


Vehicle Selection

Provide a comprehensive catalog of available vehicles with detailed descriptions, images, and specifications.

Booking Management

Enable users to make, modify, or cancel bookings easily.

Real-Time Availability

Display real-time availability of vehicles, including pick-up and drop-off locations.

Online Payments

Facilitate secure online payments for bookings, including options for additional services like insurance or equipment rental.

Booking History

Allow users to view their past bookings and invoices.

Feedback and Reviews

Allow users to provide feedback and reviews about their rental experience

Support and FAQ Section

Provide comprehensive support resources, including FAQs, user guides, and contact information for customer support.

GPS and Navigation

Offer integration with GPS and navigation systems to assist users in locating rental pick-up/drop-off points.

Emergency Assistance

Provide access to emergency assistance services, including roadside assistance and customer support helpline.

User Delight

The success of a business hinges on its ability to captivate users and encourage their return. We've integrated numerous delights into our application and car to ensure our users have an exceptional and memorable experience with us, including:

1) Discounts,
2) Additional Features,
3) Entertainment,
4) Flexibility, and
5) Security.

User Journeys & Flows

Based on user interview insights and feature identification, we conducted a deep dive into user journeys and flows. This process allows us to understand their preferred navigation paths and satisfaction levels with each option. By analyzing these journeys, we aim to determine the most optimal paths that provide the best user experience for them.

Information Architecture

People often use the word “Information Architechture” to mean the meanus on website or apps, but thats not really correct. while menus are a part of IA. they’re relly only one part of it. Information architechture is all about organization of information in a clear and logical way. such organization follows a clear purpose helping users navigate complex sets of information

Wireframe & Sketches

I believe that every successful project begins with wireframes and sketches. I tackle challenges by first working on wireframes. I've sketched numerous ideas and explored various possibilities, creating low-fidelity wireframes and prototypes for testing purposes.

Design Decisions & Determining the hotspots.

I aim to integrate all the features we've identified as essential user needs through our research, thus creating a completely revamped experience for the SIXT Car Rental Post-Purchase Journey. This version will showcase a fresh visual language that reflects SIXT's modern and innovative ethos.

In addition to these visuals, we've enhanced the experience with a comprehensive native-based module system and a Web-Based interface. The interconnected UX and UI screens seamlessly unite all elements, guaranteeing an enhanced user experience.
Home screen for Help Center [customer self-service]

This screen empowers users to discover solutions independently, often through a knowledge base or an automated task management platform.

Help Center With Last Booking

The Help Center With Last Booking is a dedicated section within our platform aimed at providing immediate assistance to users regarding their most recent bookings. users can find relevant information and support here.

Your Bookings [Active Rental]

This landing page appears when a user clicks on the "My Booking" section. Within this section, users will encounter three tabs: "Active," "Upcoming," and "Past Rentals." The current screen is displayed when the user doesn't have any active rentals.

Your Upcoming Booking

The "Upcoming" tab within the car rental booking section provides users with a comprehensive overview of their upcoming reservations. Whether they're planning a business trip, a weekend getaway, or any other travel adventure, this section ensures they have all the necessary details at their fingertips.
Users will find detailed information about their upcoming car rental reservations, including the pickup location, drop-off location, dates, times, and any specific vehicle preferences selected during the booking process.
Booking Modification: Should users need to make any changes to their upcoming reservations, such as adjusting the pickup time, extending the rental duration, or selecting a different vehicle category,

Your Upcoming Booking Details

1. Reservation Overview:
  • Booking Information: Display essential details such as reservation ID, pickup location, drop-off location, rental dates, and times.
  • Vehicle Details: Provide information about the rented vehicle, including make, model, year, and any additional features or upgrades selected.

2. Pickup and Return Instructions:
  • Pickup Location: Clearly state the address and any specific instructions or landmarks for locating the rental counter or designated pickup area.
  • Return Location: Provide details about the designated return location, including address, hours of operation, and any special return instructions.

3. Booking Options:
  • Additional Services: List any optional services or add-ons selected during the booking process, such as GPS navigation, child seats, or insurance coverage.
  • Modification and Cancellation Policies: Outline the terms and conditions regarding changes to the reservation or cancellation, including any associated fees or penalties.

4. Helpful Tips:
  • Fuel Policy: Clarify the fuel policy, whether the vehicle should be returned with a full tank or if there are alternative refueling options available.
  • Driving Regulations: Highlight any relevant driving regulations or restrictions applicable to the rental, such as minimum age requirements, driver's license validity, or additional driver fees.

5. Feedback and Reviews:
  • Review Section: Encourage users to leave feedback or reviews about their booking experience, rental vehicle, or interactions with the rental company to help improve the service for future customers.

Your Active Booking Details

1. Reservation Overview:
  • Booking Information: Display essential details such as reservation ID, pickup location, drop-off location, rental dates, and times.
  • Vehicle Details: Provide information about the rented vehicle, including make, model, year, and any additional features or upgrades selected.

2. Pickup and Return Instructions:
  • Pickup Location: Clearly state the address and any specific instructions or landmarks for locating the rental counter or designated pickup area.
  • Return Location: Provide details about the designated return location, including address, hours of operation, and any special return instructions.

3. Booking Options:
  • Additional Services: List any optional services or add-ons selected during the booking process, such as GPS navigation, child seats, or insurance coverage.
  • Modification and Cancellation Policies: Outline the terms and conditions regarding changes to the reservation or cancellation, including any associated fees or penalties.

4. Payment Details:
  • Total Cost: Display the total cost of the rental, including any taxes, fees, or additional charges.
  • Payment Method: Specify the payment method used for the reservation and any remaining balance or pending transactions.

5. Feedback and Reviews:
  • Review Section: Encourage users to leave feedback or reviews about their booking experience, rental vehicle, or interactions with the rental company to help improve the service for future customers.
  • Raise new concern: if any help required they can raise any concern anytime anywhere

Help Support and Articles

In the help center, we've compiled an extensive collection of FAQs and articles aimed at assisting users in navigating smoothly and resolving issues independently. This resource eliminates the need for users to contact the call center and endure lengthy wait times for assistance.

Usability Test

Based on usability testing conducted for the car rental self-service portal, several key findings and learnings emerged:

Navigation Clarity

Participants generally found the navigation within the portal to be clear and intuitive, especially when accessing the booking management section to update or cancel their reservations.

Learning: The current layout and organization of menu options effectively guide users to the desired functionalities related to managing bookings.

Booking Modification Process:

Users appreciated the simplicity of the booking modification process, particularly the ability to easily adjust pickup/drop-off dates, times, and vehicle selections.

Learning: The straightforward and streamlined interface for modifying bookings contributes to a positive user experience and encourages users to make changes independently.

Cancellation Flow

Some participants encountered minor confusion when attempting to cancel their bookings, particularly regarding the cancellation policy and any associated fees.

Learning: Clearer communication regarding the cancellation policy, including information about applicable fees and refund processes, could help alleviate user uncertainty and enhance transparency.

Feedback Mechanism:

Participants expressed a desire for a more prominent feedback mechanism within the portal to share their experiences and suggestions for improvement.

Learning: Integrating a visible feedback form or link within the booking management section can encourage users to provide valuable insights and contribute to ongoing portal enhancements.

Mobile Responsiveness:

While the portal performed well on desktop devices, some users experienced challenges when accessing certain features or navigating through the interface on mobile devices.

Learning: Optimizing the portal for mobile responsiveness is essential to ensure a consistent and user-friendly experience across various devices, thereby catering to users who prefer to manage bookings on-the-go.

Confirmation and Communication:

Participants appreciated receiving immediate confirmation and email notifications upon successfully updating or canceling their bookings.

Learning: Maintaining clear and timely communication throughout the booking management process helps users feel informed and reassured about their actions and decisions.

Overall, the usability testing results indicate a positive user reception towards the car rental self-service portal's ease of use and functionality. Incorporating the identified learnings, such as enhancing cancellation clarity, improving mobile responsiveness, and facilitating user feedback, will further enhance the portal's usability and user satisfaction.

Business Impact & Outcome

Since its launch, our business has made a profound impact on the industry landscape. We've experienced rapid growth, attracting a loyal customer base and garnering widespread attention from both consumers and competitors alike. we continue to thrive, delivering exceptional value and fostering long-term success for all stakeholders involved.


Decreased Support Calls

Support calls reduced by 70-75% as customers utilize the self-service app for issue resolution.

Improved User Experience

CSAT increased by ~40% due to the enhanced convenience and control offered by the self-service portal.

Efficient Issue Resolution

FCR rates improved by 70% due to faster resolution times enabled by the app.

Improved Retention

Customer retention rates improved by 60-65% as satisfied customers are more likely to stay subscribed to MyJio fiber services.

Increased Usage

Service adoption rates rised by 70-75% as the app encourages more users to engage with fiber services.

Upselling Opportunities

Upselling revenue increased by 20-25% as the app presents targeted offers and promotions.
Team, Design & Product

Design & Product

That sounds like a fantastic collaboration! Working closely with both design and product teams can lead to exceptional results. From conceptualization to delivery, each team brings unique expertise to the table, ensuring that the final product meets both user needs and business goals

Prateek Dave
Lead Design

Shreyas Joshi





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